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연구소 지원사업

발표일 제목 발표자
62 2024-09-25 Decoding the secret life of muscle cells Minchul Kim(IGBMC)
61 2024-05-07 Biased signaling at the GLP-1R determines dynamics of insulin secretion Hyunji, Lee(Duke University)
60 2024-04-16 퇴행성 뇌 질환 치료를 위한 유전자 치료제 박경원㈜에이브레인
59 2024-03-14 The mutiple impacts of binge alcohol drinking, and lipid nanoparticle-associated therapeutic approaches of liver fibrosis 서원효(이화여대)
58 2023-11-17 Glutamatergic signaling pathways in liver disease 정원일(카이스트)
57 2023-11-08 Immunological synaptosomes 전창덕(광주과학기술원)
56 2023-10-23 NR2D recall generates Mg2+-resistant tonic NMDAR currents of dopaminergic neurons in MPTP-injected Parkinsonian mice 박진봉(서울대학교)
55 2023-10-04 Development of New Target for Atopic Dermatitis 김상현(경북의대)
54 2023-09-20 Association of the NRF2 pathway in skin disease 곽미경(가톨릭대학교)
53 2023-07-21 Understanding cancer as a complex biological phenomenon 최진우(경희대학교)
52 2023-06-22 Management of metastatic brain tumors 김인영(화순전남대병원)
51 2023-05-03 The beauty of geometry 우정아(포스텍)
50 2023-04-26 헤로도토스의 (역사 Historiae) 읽기 차전환(충남대학교)
49 2023-04-06 Discovery of human CXCR2 antibodies that inhibit malignant features of pancreatic cancer 송용범(스크립스코리아 항체연구원)
48 2023-04-03 Histone demethylase KDM4C controls tumorigenesis of glioblastoma by epigenetically regulating p53 and c-Myc 권소희(연세대학교)
47 2022-11-29 Development of New Bio-therapeutics Based on Protein Engineering: Antibody & Engineered Immune EV 예경무(대구경북과학기술원)
46 2022-11-11 TGF-b signaling pathway and clinical applications 홍선택 (가천의대)
45 2022-11-09 Vitamin A delivery to the immune system 방예지 (서울의대)
44 2022-10-12 Development of muscle-enhancing therapeutics using mTORC1 targeting effective peptide 윤미섭 (가천의대)
43 2022-08-26 Standard Treatments and Molecular Characteristics of Gliomas based on WHO 2021 Classification 장종희 (연세의대)
42 2022-07-25 Roles of metabolic organelles during early zebrafish development 최성규(원광대학교)
41 2022-07-01 Friend or Foe: Inflammation in lung tissue regeneration and diseases 최진욱(광주과학기술원)
40 2021-11-03 Discovering the role of S6K1 during brain development 한정환(성균관대)
39 2021-06-17 PK/PD modeling and its utilization in drug development 채정우(충남약대)
38 2021-06-02 Functional role of phospholipase D in cancer : A potential druggable target? 민도식(연세약대)
37 2021-03-31 Prediction of treatment response to PD-1 blockade in cancer patients 신현무(서울의대)
36 2021-03-24 Post-transcriptional code of gene regulation in age- related diseases : The role of HuD in neuro-endocrine cells 이은경(가톨릭의대)
35 2020-10-21 Functional study of Smad7 in carcinogenesis and future application 홍선택(가천의대)
34 2020-09-23 Recent Advances in Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 정원일(KAIST)
33 2020-09-16 Mitochondrial quality surveillance by Drp1-dependent regulation of mitochondrial structure and function 선웅(고려의대)
32 2020-06-12 Glutamine metabolism in tumor immune-metabolism 박근규(경북의대)
31 2020-04-29 Amino acid sensing signaling in cancer 박인철(원자락의학원)
30 2020-03-25 Regulation of secretory pathway in tumorigenesis 박승열(포항공대)
29 2020-01-28 ReDRUG 알고리즘을 이용한 AI 신약 개발 김이랑(유성선병원)
28 2019-12-20 IGFBP5 as a cardiotoxicity biomarker and its therapeutic applications 김광석(한국원자력의학원)
27 2019-11-27 NANOG signaling is a key target to reverse the resistance of immune-edited tumor cells to multimodal cancer therapy 김태우(고려의대)
26 2019-10-30 Molecular Modeling and Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD), and their Applications to Drug Discovery 최선(이화여자대학)
25 2019-10-16 The new roles of intracellular calcium for preventing the membrane targeting of PH domains and disrupting phosphoinositide signaling 오병철(가천의대)
24 2019-09-24 High Risk HPV-Mediated Nuclear Export of HP1γ Contributes to Cervical Tumorigenesis by Downregulation of p53 권소희(연세대학교)
23 2019-08-07 Targeting cell cycle regulation to suppress stemness in hepatocellular carcinoma 이윤환(계명의대)
22 2019-07-30 Mechanisms and physiology of protein secretion in tumor progression 박승열(포항공과대학교)
21 2019-07-22 Nucleic acid engineering for diagnostic applications 박기수(건국대학교)
20 2019-06-05 Viperin as a key regulator in cancer metabolism 서준영(연세의대)
19 2019-05-27 Overcoming radio-and chemo-resistance by targeting mTORC signaling 박인철(한국원자력의학원)
18 2019-05-27 Abscopal effect induced by local radiation therapy in multi-tumor metastatic breast cancer mouse model 박세광(인제의대)
17 2019-05-22 Transcriptional reprogramming of metabolism by PPARg post-translational modifications. 최장현(UNIST)
16 2019-05-15 History and current aspects of Hippo and Wnt signaling 조익훈(서울시립대학교)
15 2019-04-30 Clinical Application of NGS in Oncology: Updates 정은구(GC녹십자지놈)
14 2019-02-25 미니돼지를 이용한 형질전환 질환모델 개발 박영호(한국생명공학연구원)
13 2019-02-25 발생공학과 미래형동물자원센터 김선욱(한국생명공학연구원)
12 2018-12-20 Spexin and galanin receptor 2 in the regulation of energy homeostasis 김동훈(고려의대)
11 2018-11-21 약물유래 간독성의 특성과 예측방법 김상겸(충대약대)
10 2018-09-19 신약개발의 패러다임 변화 진동훈(울산의대)
9 2018-09-05 Human pluripotent stem cell-derived intestinal organoids and their applications 손미영(한국생명공학연구원)
8 2018-06-07 Drug discovery for prion diseases 류종석(한양약대)
7 2018-05-29 Role of GPR119 receptor in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 강건욱(서울약대)
6 2018-05-29 Acute Inflammation on Cancer on Surgeon’s View 한호성(서울의대)
5 2018-05-09 암전이(cancer metastasis) 연구에서 종양미세환경의 중요성 김장성(한국생명공학연구원)
4 2018-04-18 암포도당 대사를 표적으로 하는 유방암 치료 전략 박인철(한국원자력의학원)
3 2018-04-10 Cancer cell metabolism and autophagy cell death in metastatic renal carcinoma cancer via dual targeting PKM2 and mTORC1 pathways 김형식(성균관약대)
2 2018-03-21 STAT3 is a potential therapeutic target for cancer stem cells & tumor microenvironment 예상규 (서울의대)
1 2018-01-18 FR-α CAR T-cell therapy 박지훈(한국화학연구원)